
Installing ShareSphere is easy, but there are some important steps and options, so make sure to read the guide thoroughly.

Before you begin, you should decide if you want to use ShareSphere standalone, or bundled with RoPhone.


Only the bundled version is available during the early access program

Bundled with RoPhone (recommended)

Installing ShareSphere bundled with RoPhone is simple.

  1. Get the installer model from the developer marketplace here.

  2. Create an access key here.

  3. Install ShareSphere using the RoPhone installer.

    If you do not already have RoPhone installed
    1. Run the following command in the studio command bar:
      local installer = require(18342534731) installer.installRoPhone({installShareSphere = true})
    If you already have RoPhone installed
    1. Run the following command in the studio command bar:
      local installer = require(18342534731) installer.installShareSphere()
  4. Configure ShareSphere.
    Add your access key, created in step two, to the configuration object in ServerScriptService.ShareSphereServerHandler.

  5. Allow HTTP requests, third party sales, and third party teleports.

  6. Thats it! You have now installed ShareSphere bundled with RoPhone.